Male reproductive organs are located outside the groin, which makes them much more vulnerable than female ones. If a man's eggs hurt, the reasons can be very different, because it is very easy to injure a man's testicles and penis. Testicles are also exposed to infectious diseases and inflammatory processes. They are negatively affected by promiscuous, violent sex and prolonged abstinence.
Representatives of the strong half of humanity are very sensitive to their dignity, so it is important for them to know which doctor to turn to and what to do in this case.

A bit of anatomy
The testicles or testicles are male sex glands, inside they are divided into 200-250 lobules, between which there are partitions. In each lobule there are seminiferous tubules, where sperm nucleation and maturation occur. Through the seminiferous tubules, spermatozoa enter the epididymis and are then transported to the vas deferens of the urethra. The structure of the testicles is quite complex, they are penetrated by a dense network of blood vessels, so there are many reasons why the testicles can hurt in men.
Healthy testicles can be easily felt through the scrotum and are smooth, elastic and round. Pendants are in the form of rollers. The testicles perform important functions for the male body. They reproduce spermatozoa, produce testosterone. The appendages are responsible for the maturation of spermatozoa, the passage of spermatozoa from the testes to the vas deferens.
With the help of paired organs, the balance of hormones in the male body is maintained, because they produce testosterone and sperm, which are responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics.
Unpleasant sensations occur at any age, differ in intensity and depend on the cause that caused them. Consult a doctor if you want to determine the cause, why it hurts in one or both at once.
The main causes of pain in the testicles
If men's testicles hurt, then they often think that it happened as a result of a blow or a pinch, sometimes not even realizing that the banal flu, SARS, especially with complications, can negatively affect the functioning of the testicles. Pain in the testicles in men can be caused by hormonal disorders, injuries, vascular pathologies, a huge list of pathologies of the genitourinary and excretory system. For the slightest pain in the scrotum, you need to be examined by a competent urologist. It is better to check again to solve the problem: if the testicles hurt, what could it be, and get treatment, than to lose your manhood as a result of complications of the disease.
There is a whole list of reasons why there can be pain. Painful sensations are of different intensity, occur in one of the testicles or in both at once.
Urologists divide the reasons why a man's testicle can hurt into several groups. Each of the causes is autonomous, but all the organs in the human body are interconnected. Description of groups of reasons why a man's testicle can hurt:
This group of reasons why the egg can hurt in men includes mechanical injuries to the testicles and penis during impact, as well as injuries that lead to damage to the nerve endings that permeate the penis and testicles.
Such injuries occur as a result of hypothermia, overheating, frequent self-indulgence, as a result, after masturbation, the right egg hurts, but discomfort can also be noticed on the left side, as well as on both sides at once.
If the injury occurred during too active friction during sex, improper use of sex toys, then the balls hurt after sex.
The reasons why the testicles hurt in men lie in wearing tight underwear, chemical or radioactive exposure in the place of residence or work.
In this case, if a man's testicles hurt from excitement, the reasons lie in an erection that did not end in ejaculation. If there is pain in the testicles during abstinence or after incomplete discharge, then nothing terrible and pathological will happen to the reproductive organ. Scientists explain why a man's balls hurt after a long arousal from the point of view of genetics. They attribute this to the tension of the testicular muscles, which leads to their spasm.
Sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory processes become the reason why a man's testicles hurt.
Vascular pathologies
This group of causes that cause pain in the testicles in men includes numerous problems with blood vessels. It is about blockage of the blood vessels that supply nutrients to the testicles, which causes pain in the testicles, torsion of the testicle, which leads to necrosis, if the help of a specialist is not sought in time, varicocele (dilated veins of the testicle, in the last stages which lead to pain in the testicle in menand retracts the scrotum).
This group of reasons why men's balls hurt include prostatitis, urethritis, urolithiasis and other pathologies that cause pain to the testicles.
Diseases that cause pain in the scrotum
If it hurts in the groin area, then you should understand that only a consultation with a competent urologist will help you get recommendations for treatment.
This may indicate the presence of the following diseases:
Inflammation of the seminal vesicles (vesiculitis)
Inflammation develops as a result of urethritis, when infection from the urethra enters the seminal vesicles with the bloodstream. Vesiculitis causes pain in the testicles in men and in the lower abdomen.
Urolithiasis disease
Another reason why testicles in men can hurt. It develops as a result of eating disorders, if a person consumes a large amount of salt, with obesity, genetic predisposition, inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system, metabolic disorders. Doctors use long-proven treatment regimens, they know what to do if the testicles hurt as a result of urolithiasis.
This is an inflammatory disease that occurs as a result of hypothermia, reduced immunity, hormonal imbalance. It often causes painful testicular pain in men.
If a man has a testicle, you need to be tested for urethritis. This is a disease characterized by the development of bacterial flora in the urethra. The bacteria then travel with the blood to the testicles, causing them to develop a bacterial infection. What to do if the eggs hurt due to urethritis, the urologist decides. A course of antibiotics is usually prescribed in the form of injections or drops.
carcinoma of the urethra
A malignant tumor that metastasizes to the testicles. When the tumor reaches more than 3 cm in diameter, the testicle hurts. The diagnosis sounds quite scary, so if a man's testicle hurts, it is best to check that it is not cancer.
The reason why a man's testicles hurt is sexually transmitted diseases. Specifically, these are syphilis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, granuloma, gonorrhea. The main causes of these diseases are fungi, bacteria, and viruses. In this case, it can hurt directly in the testicles or under them, and the pain is often of a permanent dull nature. Pain in the testicles in men, the causes of which lie in sexually transmitted diseases, are accompanied by discharge from the penis, wounds on its surface and an increase in lymph nodes. You should contact a venereologist who will find out why the testicles hurt, advise what to do to eliminate the discomfort.
Disease associated with varicose veins of the testicular pampiniform plexus. It develops most often on the left side, due to the anatomical characteristics of the structure of the circulatory system. Therefore, if the left testicle hurts after sex, then you need to check for the presence of this disease.
Malignant tumors of the testicles
If your left testicle or testicle hurts after sex, you may have cancer. The disease causes hereditary predisposition, severe testicular injuries, cryptorchidism. But urologists say that the testicles are the only place where the causes of malignant tumors have not yet been precisely determined and why in this case the male organs of the ovum hurt. They have not yet been fully explored.
If pain in the testicles is accompanied by a change in the shape and texture of the skin of the scrotum, then it is most likely due to hydrocele. Men describe the pain syndrome as a feeling of heaviness in the groin, which occurs as a result of the accumulation of fluid inside the testicles. Dropsy is one of the most common reasons why one testicle hurts in men.
Groin hernia
If a man has pain on the right side of the lower abdomen and radiates to the testicle and leg, this indicates an inguinal hernia localized on this side. Hernias are removed surgically, but after that, testicular pain syndrome torments men for a long time. The discovery of an inguinal hernia explains why men's testicles hurt when they are aroused. When excited, it can pinch and cause terrible, sharp pains.
Injury to the valve of the vas deferens
If the pain in the balls appears after sex, then the man has not ejaculated. Sperm is produced completely, but the sperm is not expelled after orgasm, but goes into the urine, which is why the balls hurt after sex.
Inflammation and infectious diseases
This is one of the most common reasons why men go to the urologist with complaints of pain in or under the testicles. Pain often occurs during sex. This may indicate orchitis, when inflammation, prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis) become the reason why the testicles hurt.
With epididymitis, the pain occurs on one side, gradually increases, the scrotum swells, the urination process is accompanied by burning, white liquid is released from the urethra. If epididymitis is diagnosed, the testicles and lower abdomen of a man hurt, what should I do in this case? Urgent treatment is required, otherwise infertility may develop in the future.
Orchitis is a common reason why testicles hurt. With orchitis, the testicles not only hurt, but also increase in size, a temperature appears, the pain spreads to the groin and lower back. If a man's testicles hurt due to orchitis, what should I do in this case? It is necessary to consult a competent specialist and carry out complex therapy.
Prostatitis is a common cause of painful testicles in men. Inflammation of the prostate, which can occur in acute and chronic form. The acute form is characterized by severe pain that appears suddenly and disappears quickly. The chronic form causes withdrawal, mild pain in the ovaries in men, which occur periodically. Pain occurs when urinating. If the ovaries in men hurt due to prostatitis, only a doctor can decide what to do.
The most dangerous causes of disease
There are numerous reasons why a man's testicles can get sick, and which pose a danger to his health. They're rare, but you still need to know these serious reasons why a man's testicles hurt and how to treat them to be prepared.
This includes:
- Severe scrotal trauma.
It often causes sharp and painful testicular pain in men. The integrity of the testicles can be damaged by mechanical action. In this state, a person is haunted by strong and unbearable pain, from which he can fall into a state of shock and lose consciousness. If the husband's balls hurt because of an injury, he should quickly decide what the wife will do. Seek medical attention immediately to prevent complications that could even lead to testicular loss.
- Torsion of the spermatic cord.
A very dangerous reason why the eggs hurt, requires an urgent visit to a urologist. It most often occurs during sleep. In this case, a man without visible injuries, in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system, suddenly has a sharp pain in the scrotum, radiating to the leg. But sometimes torsion occurs during active movements during intercourse, which is the answer to the question: why do the testicles hurt after sex.
The disease becomes the reason why the testicles hurt, it quickly leads to the development of testicular tissue necrosis, because the nerves and blood vessels that feed the testicles are compressed. There is a reason why the testicle can hurt, more often in childhood, in men it can be caused by great physical overexertion.
Each testicle in a normal state is suspended by the spermatic cord, through which vessels and the vas deferens pass. Sometimes the testicle moves in the scrotum and its cord is twisted. Blood flow to the testicle stops, sperm cannot be expelled. In this case, you definitely need to know why a man's testicles hurt for no reason, because the situation quickly becomes critical, because torsion leads to atrophy and necrosis of the testicles.
Physiological causes
Discomfort and pain in the testicles in men are not always associated with the development of pathological processes. Often this is due to the simple physiology of men. This happens if there is no release of sperm after sexual excitement and explains why the balls hurt after erection. This happens more often in adolescence, when young men are very sexually active, but at the same time they still do not understand why male balls hurt, they do not know how to release sexual tension.
But sometimes the question of why the balls hurt after a long abstinence also worries adults. If a man is aroused, his genitals swell due to the rush of blood. If, for any reason, he cannot get sexual release, pain in the testicles will appear. If there is such a problem that the testicles hurt from abstinence, the question "what to do" is solved in several ways:
- Sex. You can solve the question: what to do if the balls hurt from excitement, with the help of sex, during which the excess tension from the testicles will be withdrawn and the pain will disappear.
- Complacency. Another answer to the question: if the balls hurt from abstinence, what to do.
- Distraction from thoughts of sex. If the balls hurt from abstinence, but doctors forbid sex, it is necessary to wait a few hours until the excitement subsides (usually the pain does not last more than 4 hours).
But it is worth knowing that if the balls hurt after masturbation, it can be due to the opposite reason, i. e. if the man ejaculates often in a short time. These pains are not life-threatening, they pass in a few hours. But in this case, men should reduce their sexual fervor.
The causes of pain in the testicles in men can be various types of surgical interventions on the abdomen and groin. After such operations, sexual contacts are usually limited for some time, so the testicles are flooded with ejaculate, pain occurs. In this case, the answer to the question of what to do when the testicles in men hurt from excitement in the postoperative period is only one - to wait until it passes by itself.
Diagnosis, treatment, prevention
The reasons why a man's balls hurt are different. Representatives of the strong half of humanity must know in which cases it is impossible to postpone the process and which doctor to contact if the testicles hurt, what causes it can be in men, how to treat it. An urgent visit to the doctor is necessary in the following cases:
- if during touching of the scrotum there is a sharp pain in the testicles in men;
- the testicles hurt after sex, they have hardened, their color and shape have visually changed;
- aching pain in the testicles becomes stronger over time;
- a bulge appeared on the scrotum;
- if the male testicle hurts, the temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear;
- after the injury, the man's balls hurt for an hour.
Not everyone knows which doctor to turn to in such cases. To identify the cause that caused discomfort in the testicles and understand why the testicles can hurt, you should contact a urologist andrologist. This is a doctor who specializes in male diseases. Do not independently identify the causes and treat at home. You can waste time, especially if the discomfort in the testicles is caused by pathological conditions.
In some cases, in order to identify the causes of pain in the balls in men and prescribe treatment, a simple examination and palpation of the scrotum is sufficient. The doctor performs a detailed visual examination, probing the texture of the testicles. Usually after that it becomes clear why the testicles hurt.
If after examination and palpation it is not possible to detect pathology, then in order to determine the reason why the male testicle hurts, what it means, ultrasound of the scrotum, MRI, spermogram, blood test, urine test, swab from the urethra, if necessary, testicular biopsy. Such diagnostic techniques allow you to identify the cause of the disease and decide how to get rid of pain in the testicles.
It is better not to postpone a visit to a specialist, because the sooner the diagnosis is made, the causes that caused pain in the testicles in men are determined, the sooner treatment will be prescribed. This is very important, especially when it comes to a male organ like this.
The solution to the problem of why the testicles hurt depends on the diagnosis. Factors such as the patient's age and the characteristics of the course of the disease play a major role, because even within the same disease, different treatment can be prescribed.
Prevention will help reduce the risk of why men have testicles.
Prevention is as follows:
- wearing loose underwear made of natural fabrics;
- regular self-examination and palpation of the scrotum for changes in color, density, which allows you to identify what causes pain in the testicle;
- constant sex, preferably with one partner, because long abstinence in men causes pain in the testicles;
- compliance with safety regulations when performing physical work, playing sports.
Most often, the reasons why the testicles in men can hurt are not life-threatening. But in some cases it indicates the presence of certain problems in the body. What to do when testicles hurt in men with varicose veins of the pampiniform plexus, hydrocele and other serious diseases should be decided by a specialist whose help is needed immediately.